Thursday, November 13, 2014

calder scuptures...

Third graders learned about Alexander Calder and his wire sculptures!

We then created patterns and designs on small cardstock pieces.
Each student had five pieces, and they were supposed to focus on 
making each pattern different, 

while still having an 
element of harmony throughout their 5 designs. 

Students learned that they could repeat one element 
(a line, a color, or a shape) in each of their designs to create this harmony.

Then we had to do some more problem solving... 
the kiddos could choose as many pieces of straw as they wanted, 
and they had to cut, glue, and assemble the straws and design cards
together to make a sculpture. The only rules were that the final sculpture
had to be just that.... a sculpture. Three-dimensional, not laying flat on their tables. 

This was not an easy task with the materials 
at hand, but the students shined! 

Check out some of the amazing sculptures our third graders built:

 (so proud!)

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